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Lock was always a curious kitty pet that strives to find how everything and anything worked! Looking upon the ordinary necessities around him, Lock would always love to ask himself any question he could think of; “why did milk taste so good?”, or “Why did my owners love me so much?”. This cat could think of questions to fill his mind with until the only question left was how to remember all of them! That is until a new question popped up the day his owners sold Lock and five other kitties to another owner. No question would arise after that day that could be answered by Lock. The only answer Lock would receive was pain and punishment from his abusive owner. After five moons of torture, only Lock remained. Lock managed to escape with anger and mistrust for humans and kitty pets for believing in the comfort of love.

Lock is a character that was originally a kitty pet but set out to become a loner.

Lock’s main arc is described by his inexplicable curiosity and whimsy that get him out of just about every trouble he runs into. With minor details exhibiting some sort of importance to Lock every problem eventually becomes a case closed. This character won’t stop until every mystery is solved! 

Lock’s character is extraordinarily cautious and mistrustful for everything, this may lead to trouble gaining allies but will “surely” protect him from unwanted enemies.

If you didn’t already notice “Lock” was inspired from Sherlock Holmes! As such he tried to deal with cases around the outskirts of WCO. If you have any ideas for a new case or RP I would be thrilled to hear them!! Just pm if you have any other questions.

Gender: male

Sex Orientation: Asexual

Age: 9 moons old 

Future name: Tethered Tail 

Current name: Lock 

Personality: Extremely curious and astute,  but also exceptionally cautious. 

Appearance: A slim Egyptian Mau (black spots over a grey coat).

Lock : Bio
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